Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Illustration: Choose the King

Based on a Maamer, this poster is about not falling for the 'bling' of the world but to stay focused and connect to what's true. I got inspired by it a long time ago and felt this a good way to reconnect with the idea.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Design Challenge from Smashing Magazine

Open publication - Free publishing - More art

One thing about not getting formal training is that I haven't experienced peer criticism on my projects but after reading this article on Smashing Magazine by Paul Boag, that might change.

The Challenge? Choose a design you created and explain the reasoning behind everything you did. This isn't a web design that I'm going to post, but I would love feedback on it regardless, so if you have a minute or two to write what you would do to improve it, I would most definitely appreciate it.

The Project
The design I chose is the one with the hardest client I ever had. It's my own portfolio created as an interactive PDF using Indesign and published on issuu.com (an awesome website for displaying PDFs). Click on expand to see the design in full. I wanted the portfolio display the variety of work I've done, show the different clients I've worked with and show my personality while not taking away from the designs itself.
Here's the breakdown of the design:

  • Grid - Used a four column grid with a nice amount of padding on both sides to bring attention to the designs themselves.
  • Layout - Gave each page a focal picture with smaller images on the side to support the main image. Broke this up on some of the pages 1. to give variation to the design, and 2. to display more images in an efficient way.
    Each page has the client and project details in the same location to give the portfolio consistency and a strong structure.
  • Color - Kept it simple using black and grey so as not to take away from the designs, and a pop of magenta to show personality and bit of color.
  • Typography - Used Adobe Caslon, it's a beautiful traditional font that shows on professionalism and strength and at the same time allows for distinctive swashes and beautiful italics.
  • Imagery - displayed most of the designs with a thin grey border to contain the images.
  • Styling - used the simple social networking icons on the last page and made them click-able so it's super easy to connect.
So if you have anything you would do differently or perhaps an idea that would add to the design I would love to hear. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Colorful Mosaic in Illustrator

Awesome mosaic made in illustrator thanks to this tutorial by Chris Spooner. Easy to create and with a little patience you can create beautiful artwork using shapes, gradients and texture. Here's the color pallete I created on Adobe's Kuler, it's my very first color scheme and it's called vintage quilt.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Exqiusitely Colorful Oil Paintings

I love splashes of vivid color and these arists create master pieces out of combining color using tools, sometimes other than brushes, to create paintings that are really thick.
Liisa Corbiere 

G10 Goes to California

...Yosemite Park to be more precise. What a beautiful trip it was! I took my tripod along with the Digital SLR Magazine (from the UK) to read in the car ride. Well first off as a review for the magazine, I absolutely loved it and it stands by its word as a "no-nonsense, jargon-free route to better pictures". I needed to learn the basics about shutter speed and aperture and it opened my eyes to how it's practically used by placing a post-it note next to each image with the technical information next to it.
Once I was up at the scenic viewpoints I realized that I have no clue how to take scenic pictures in terms of what setting to put them on, so when we came down to the gift shop I noticed a book by James Martin titled "Digital Photography Outdoors" and I plan on reading that book from cover to cover. But in the mean time here are my pics from the great outdoors.