Saturday, July 21, 2012

Von Glitschka the Vector Guru

Von Glitschka. He's so good that Adobe Illustrator includes his work as a tutorial that comes with every copy of illustrator showing the user how powerful illustrator can be. Von Glitschka is a vector guru. Here are some of my favorites from is work: 

He is very generous with his knowledge and shares his trade secrets in his book Vector Basic Training, by going through his creative process of drawing perfect vector art. Here are some useful links if you'd like to enter the world of vector building.
Buy the Book: Vector Basic Training 
Includes valuable techniques and lots of videos where the design process comes to life. It's a must have book for anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of vector art.

Free Tutorials: 
Treasure chest of free tutorials showing the process behind his artwork. They reinforce the rules and guidelines he lays out in the book. 

Work Studio: Glitschka Studios

Design Blog: 

Personal Side: Interviews 

I'm a huge fan of his book and recommend it even for the average designer.

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